Monthly Archives: February 2012

Climbing Like Ivy (that’s my new motto) [*UPDATED*]

UPDATE: So, the magazine that had hired me to write Travel Ninja turned out to be, let’s just say, undependable. The good news is I got a better gig at a better place! Instead, find me on My column, Crewed Talk generally comes out on Tuesdays. Also, the website had a little problem with its web host and they disappeared all my work. [*very sad/mad face*] But what can ya do? You can still find me, however, at FA Travel Writer and I’m on Twitter.


Hi guys. I just wanted to drop a line and say that even if I’m not here a lot these days, you may notice me popping up in new places. At least I hope so!

As part of a “more proper” refocusing of my writing into freelance travel publishing, I have finally taken the plunge with a showcase website, at

It’s still a toddler, so to speak, but I’m working on it. Please check it out, if you like, and feel free to provide feedback. Not just on the site – but on the world of travel in general. And I welcome it, because  I have a new gig that involves answering those very questions…in my new travel columns! That’s right, as of March 1st you can find me at the brand new Ah-Ha Traveler website and downloadable magazine. It’s fresh, it’s fierce and, best of all, it’s free! FREE!

On the website you can find me as Travel Ninja, a shorter column where I will share traveling tips gathered from my experiences as a flight attendant, expat and an all-around avid traveler. My magazine column, From the Air to There, will provide  a more in-depth discussion of airline, destination and traveling issues.

The idea behind these columns is that I live several angles on travel. Being a Flight Attendant offers a particularly unique angle as, going to the same places over and over and over, we are often something in between a tourist and a local. We love our classic touristy stuff, but we also get enough regular experience to stay on top of what is new and relevant in some cities, and to find local haunts where we just like to make friends and hang out like locals. If that doesn’t provide enough street cred for the job, there’s always that whole “bi-continental commuting thing” I’ve got going on, which should fill in any gaps.

Meanwhile, The Ah-Ha Traveler website is shaping up nicely with some smart content to check out now, but mark the calendar for March 1st to make sure you download your first free issue.

All the while, keep your eyes peeled. My strategy is to climb like ivy – it may seem slow at first, but hopefully, all at once, my writing will be framing every window in town. Through which we can look at the world together. (What…too much? 😉 ) …See you there.

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